Understand the effectiveness of the event for the campaign
The gaming event market is a rapidly growing industry that includes various events, such as esports tournaments, gaming conventions, and gaming festivals. It drives the demand for gaming events as entertainment, and technological advancements have made gaming more accessible and immersive. No wonder, if there is big expected to grow as a result of increased investment from brands and advertisers looking to connect with the lucrative gaming demographic
To know more about the effectiveness of gaming events with the campaign, we should measure the performance or efficacy of the event. Besides that, it’s important to establish clear goals and objectives for the event. It’s like what our clients do if they know their purpose. Our client needs to see the impact of the event on their image and the feedback related to the event by identifying the profile of the event’s participants and many other things.
To meet our desired client, we offered to conduct event profiling, event evaluation (to obtain feedback related to the event—booth, rundown, mechanism, satisfaction), and event impact (to identify whether the event is having a positive effect on the image, even to purchase intention).
- To get Event Profiling, we did Face to Face Interviews for 5 minutes with Intercept during the Event, Random Sampling, and Among Visitors who stayed at the event for at least 10 minutes doing any activities with five parameters (gender, age, occupation, SES, and consumer segment);
- To get Event Evaluation and Event Impact, we also did Recruitment with purposive sampling and Face to Face Interviews;
- We recruited to avoid the immediate biased impact of the event, and we interviewed the respondents—also with specific demographic profiles (gender, age, occupation, SES, respondent type)—after 3/4/5 days after the event with an appointment for 5 minutes;
- We did Face to Face Interviews with participants of the event for 40 minutes at home or any convenient location.
- Through this study, our clients get highly appreciated for their events, and their determination is also high. People come because of the event but still surround the location;
- Word of mouth seems to be the most effective influence trigger for the event;
- The main sponsor is frequently mentioned at the event, which is good and fulfills the event's main purpose;
- The impact of the event on the associate is very positive;
- However, fewer visitors become participants, and both of them have a different profiles;
- The support of the event was not for the main target;
- The main concern is that the intention to convert to the main sponsor is not high and only for a determined segment;
- An unstable network is still the main barrier to the event itself.
Our client has to make several improvements to get better for the next event by trying to determine segmentation, who will get the highest impact from the event, and also who is willing to be the main sponsor user, especially when the main sponsor gives the best deal to attract them, even though they still have an issue. To get more users for the main sponsor, our client should have similar events in other cities and continue the campaign about the problem that has been resolved and is running well.
Furthermore, our client has to build the image by maintaining a good campaign to attract the target for coming to the event, having a good relationship with the communities, and bringing the bundle packs it offers.
Another case of getting more participants to the event is by checking the supporting show, which was separate from the main theme, especially the event that can attract specific demographics, for example, kids or females.

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