Sudah Sedikit yang Pakai, Tidak Loyal Pula: Memperkenalkan Double Jeopardy Law
September 2024
Sinergi antara pemikiran mendalam dan komunikasi yang nyata.
Sektor kecantikan mengalami pertumbuhan yang mengesankan (tahun ini), terutama dalam perawatan kulit dan kosmetik, menciptakan peluang bisnis bagi merek lokal.
Edisi bulan ini, Clove's Insight membahas Fast Beauty: Menavigasi Perubahan di Industri Kecantikan Indonesia & Lonjakan Industri Kecantikan Indonesia sebagai Peluang Bisnis untuk Merek Lokal.
Dengan meningkatnya permintaan akan produk kecantikan yang inovatif dan terjangkau, bagaimana merek lokal menghadapi tantangan ini? Temukan jawabannya dalam buletin bulanan Clove's Insight - Juli 2024. Selamat membaca!
The beauty sector saw impressive growth (this year), particularly in skincare and cosmetics, creating business opportunities for localbrands.
This month’s issue, Clove’s Insight discusses Fast Beauty: Navigating Changes in The Indonesian Beauty Industry & The Surge of The Indonesian Beauty Industry as a Business Opportunity for Local Brands.
With a rising demand for innovative and affordable beauty products, how are local brands tackling this challenge? Discover the answers in our monthly Clove’s Insight – July 2024 bulletin. Enjoy the read!
Taking advantage of the school holiday season, Clove Insight shares its latest thoughts and analyses for business owners in the tourism industry and beyond. We explore the impact of the digital world on holiday planning through OTAs, identify popular family destinations during school holidays to help tourism businesses cater to family needs, and discuss how to leverage this holiday season to boost the local economy. We also provide insights into business ideas that can thrive during school holidays.
Coinciding with Clove Insight’s one-year anniversary of providing valuable market research and marketing information, we offer a brief reflection and express our gratitude to our readers. We are committed to delivering insightful and valuable information to our audience. Discover more with Clove Insight!
Di Indonesia, tanggal 2 Mei diperingati sebagai Hari Pendidikan Nasional dan Clove Insight edisi Mei turut merayakannya dengan menghadirkan edisi khusus bertemakan pendidikan. Edisi ini mengulas masa depan EdTech, menyoroti peran komunitas dan insight berbasis data dalam dunia pendidikan.
Selain itu, edisi ini juga membahas perilaku orang tua dalam memilih sekolah untuk anak-anak mereka serta penggunaan media sosial untuk branding lembaga pendidikan, khususnya sekolah. Temukan analisis mendalam dan insight yang dapat membantu Anda dI dunia pendidikan ditengah teknologi yang terus berkembang.
Untuk pemahaman yang lebih komprehensif dan artikel-artikel yang lebih rinci, baca Clove Insight di sini. Rayakan Hari Pendidikan Nasional bersama kami dengan tren dan inovasi terbaru!
In Indonesia, May 2nd is celebrated as National Education Day and Clove Insight's May edition joins the celebration with a special issue themed around education. This edition delves into the future of EdTech, highlighting the role of communities and data-driven insights in shaping the educational landscape.
It also explores parents' behaviors in choosing schools for their children and the strategic use of social media for branding educational institutions, especially schools. Discover in-depth analyses and expert insights that can help you navigate the evolving world of education and technology.
For a comprehensive understanding and more detailed articles, read the full edition of Clove Insight. Celebrate education with us and stay informed about the latest trends and innovations!
Ramadhan telah berakhir, membawa perubahan pada kondisi pasar sekali lagi. Selalu ada dinamika dan dampak; kami secara komprehensif menekankan pentingnya produk halal bagi komunitas Muslim dan faktor kebersihan.
Selain itu, diluncurkan pada bulan April, di tengah semangat gerakan hak-hak perempuan di Indonesia; Hari Kartini juga menginspirasi tulisan-tulisan yang penuh semangat. Kami memulai dengan menyoroti pentingnya memahami perilaku gender, khususnya peran perempuan dalam riset pasar. Selain itu, kami mengeksplorasi bagaimana perempuan dan kewirausahaan dapat berkembang bersama jika diberikan sistem dukungan yang tepat dan lingkungan yang memberdayakan. Dapatkan wawasannya dengan Clove Insight!
Ramadan has concluded, bringing about changes in market conditions once again. There is always a dynamic and impact; we comprehensively emphasize the significance of halal products for the Muslim community and hygiene factors.
In addition, launched in April, amidst the fervor of Indonesia's women's rights movement; Kartini Day inspires similar spirited writings. We begin by highlighting the importance of understanding gender behavior, particularly women's roles in market research. Furthermore, we explore how women and entrepreneurship can thrive together given the right support system and an empowering environment. Get the insight with Clove Insight!
In welcoming the holy month of Ramadan, we are pleased to introduce the Clove Insight Ramadan Special Edition. This edition covers various aspects, starting from marketing strategies that need to be prepared to face Ramadan, which should also harmonize with Ramadan traditions.
Additionally, we provide insights into digital activities that require more attention during Ramadan, along with weekly tips and tricks. Most importantly, we delve into analyzing and understanding changing consumer behavior during Ramadan as the key to developing impactful strategies. Finally, we explore festive trends in market strategies, particularly during Eid al-Fitr.
Ramadan adalah bulan kesembilan dalam kalender Islam yang memiliki makna penting bagi jutaan umat Muslim di seluruh dunia. Bulan yang sakral ini ditandai dengan peningkatan aktivitas spiritual dan komunal seperti puasa, tarawih, i’tikaf, dan menjalin silaturahmi. Selama periode ini, umat Muslim yang taat menahan diri dari makanan, minuman, merokok, dan The Power of Events: How Effective is Your Event? kebutuhan fisik lainnya dari fajar hingga matahari terbenam, yang diakhiri dengan perayaan 7 meriah Idul Fitri. Di luar dari aktivitas spiritual, Ramadan kini memiliki makna budaya yang mendalam, memperkuat hubungan kekeluargaan dan sesama dari berbagai latar belakang. Tidak dapat disangkal bahwa Ramadan telah melampaui konteks keagamaan dan berkembang menjadi fenomena sosial-budaya global, terutama pada ruang-ruang yang didominasi oleh kaum Muslim. Bra
2024 is a political year in Indonesia, where presidential and legislative elections are taking place for the next five years. Given such a situation, Clove Research & Marketing Analytics shares its insights; there is an intersection of politics with market research and marketing. Additionally, it touches upon data processing itself.
Marketing & Branding in Modern Politics discusses how political marketing, which implements commercial brand marketing, has become crucial during campaigns or other political activities. It goes on to emphasize the importance of applying market research principles in gathering Quick Count data to obtain accurate and credible results. The series concludes with something practical and game-changing: how to check tabulation using QPSMR.
In gearing up for the dynamic business landscape of 2024, Clove Research & Marketing Analytics has meticulously curated the Marketing Trends set to shape the industry in the coming year. As the global business environment continues to evolve, staying ahead of the curve is paramount for success. The comprehensive analysis and insights into the marketing landscape offer a strategic roadmap for businesses aiming to navigate the challenges and seize opportunities on the horizon.
AI-driven interaction & video marketing for customer engagement, sustainability as part of business operations, and storytelling for beyond business growth. Get them all for your marketing strategies for this year and be prepared for extremely rapid growth!
In the business world, understanding changes in consumer behavior is fundamental for business practitioners to comprehend. This is especially crucial in the current situation, where many people are engaging in boycotts against brands that support Israel. Additionally, it is essential for business professionals, marketers, and researchers to keep up with market research trends. In this edition, one can observe the market research trends of 2023 and reflect on whether these trends will continue into 2024. Furthermore, there is another aspect that business professionals need to understand, which is ensuring customer satisfaction. To achieve maximum customer satisfaction, make sure to comprehend Customer Satisfaction Studies!
In a business, understanding market segmentation is an obligation. This is immensely valuable in formulating precise marketing strategies, enabling the targeting of relevant markets. Furthermore, within our business, it is imperative to ensure internal alignment by verifying whether customer service has consistently served customers effectively. This can be achieved through Mystery Shopping research, a practice commonly conducted by Clove. However, one aspect that needs even further assurance is confirming that the offered products align with consumer expectations. This can be achieved through Product Test Research! This is an in-depth analysis to scale up your business!
In the journey of business success, understanding the significance of customer feedback is fundamentals. Businesses rely on their customers' voices to steer them toward prosperity and loyalty. Furthermore, recognizing the influential role of Gen-Z in shaping the narrative of consumer culture is paramount too for understanding the future of your customer. Mastering the art of brand image is akin to crafting a captivating story; your brand serves as the signature that speaks volumes to your audience, forging connections that transcend transactions and lead to enduring success in the ever-evolving market landscape. This is in-depth analysis to understand your customer.
In pursuit of finding the optimal pricing strategy for facilitating business growth, we present an exceptional exploration of pricing measurement techniques that can significantly influence consumer decision-making processes. Additionally, crafting a compelling brand narrative is imperative. The website must provide essential content to address potential customers' inquiries comprehensively. Furthermore, we employ key driver analysis to meticulously identify the factors that shape consumer behavior and experiences for a more profound comprehension of our customers. This in-depth analysis results in improved customer satisfaction scores.
Marketing strategies encompass various approaches, including events. In this edition, we explore the potential of events to provide businesses with distinctive opportunities to engage their target audience, enhance brand recognition, and delve into several critical facets. Before delving deeper into this topic, we establish a fundamental understanding of building a sustainable business through brand awareness, along with the advantages derived from cultivating heightened awareness. This edition concludes by emphasizing the importance of consumer acceptance research, shedding light on consumer demands and aiding in formulating effective marketing strategies.
Branding holds significant importance. It is more than just a logo and advertising; it is also one way to build customer loyalty, and we discussed it more deeply. More than that, we bring a golden technical for market research by comparing two important surveys in the dynamic business environment. To stay within the bounds, we invite everyone to learn-unlearn-relearn to the fundamentals and have a market-centric mindset in doing business.
In the first bulletin, we talked about brand premium, determining the brand's intrinsic value, building brand strategy mapping for brand premium, and many other things. Nevertheless, the brand is still the star of this edition, so we talked about how your brand can make its customers' lives easier — and the secret tips to catch it! To wrap up this edition, the last article talked about the power of self-service market research and the benefits of this kind of research.